507 the Boy Are Back in Town Trilulilu/dailymotion
About Bubble Town
Bubble Town is a very simple casual game suitable for almost any age. You have a rectangular field with dozens of bubbles containing all kinds of zany characters. Your job is to control the cannon at the bottom of the screen loaded with one of the characters by aiming at the bubbles at the top with your mouse. Try to hit groups of bubbles of the same kind – if three or more get stuck together they pop and disappear from the screen.
The goal of the developers was to provide their fans with a relaxing experience that can last for hours and be interrupted without any repercussions, so they decided to make Bubble Town free of any time-sensitive mechanics.
A Bubble Town game can last anywhere from 5 minutes to hours on end: a skilled player will have no trouble identifying the best spots to shoot at while a beginner can still enjoy the process and start anew even if they lose.
A great advantage of Bubble Town online is that it can be played directly in your browser window – no need to download any suspicious files and endanger your computer. Many mobile devices are supported as well, so even if you are on the go, you can still enjoy a quick session.
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507 the Boy Are Back in Town Trilulilu/dailymotion
Source: https://msngames.online/bubble-town.html
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